One of the highlights of 2021 was working with Wow! Productions & Theatreworks shooting the single-take short film of 'Resilience - a lockdown theatre response'. The theatre production won a major accolade in the Dunedin Theatre Awards 2020-2021. It's first iteration came to be as a shop front installation for the Dunedin Fringe Festival.

Cindy Diver, the director, described it as, 'A passion project of mine for the last couple of years is RAA! Random Acts of Art - and its hero piece "Resilience - a lockdown theatre response"'.
The short film version was supported with funding from the Ministry of Culture & Heritage funding.
The challenges on our side with shooting a single take in a static position involved overcoming the constraints of exposing across an extreme dynamic range combined with maintaining a focal depth that would keep all subjects in focus through the field. All the time rendering a moving image that remained faithful to the design of the creators.
It is great to see that this piece will go on to live another life and it was great to work with local passionate and skilled creatives.
All the best for 2022!
- Dan Eady